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Waverly-Shell Rock Booster Club


Food, Drinks, Reverse Raffle, Silent Auction and Prizes!!
 The Waverly Area Veterans Post
Friday, April 11, 2025
6:00-10:00 p.m.


With the purchase of your ticket to the CASH BASH, you will receive admission for two into our evening of WSR celebration that includes food and cash bar! This ticket also enters you into a reverse raffle where you have a chance to win a variety of fabulous prizes!  A Reverse Raffle is a long game, and the person who holds the ticket drawn last wins the grand prize.  There will be many additional prizes to be won throughout the evening, as well.  If you purchase a ticket with insurance, this means your number will be put back into the drawing after it is drawn the first time, increasing your opportunity to win the grand prize.  Only a limited number of tickets will be sold.

This is a unique event that really puts the fun in FUNdraiser!  Purchase your tickets now to ensure you have a seat.  Go one step further and sponsor your coach by purchasing him or her a ticket to join in the fun with us!


When you sponsor our event, you are contributing to the success of WSR Athletes.  WSR Booster Club provides support to all sports through coach wish list items, athletic training and leadership opportunity for WSR athletes.  Sponsors will have the opportunity to be showcased on our table toppers which will be located on tables the evening of the event.  If you have other items you would like distributed at our welcome table, please contact a booster club member to get those items to us, and we will ensure they get distributed on the date of the event.  Sponsors in the top two tiers should expect to see the promotion of their business or organization on WSR social media.  Please consider sponsoring this event so that we can continue to support WSR athletics.  Tier 1 = $500, Tier 2 = $250, Tier 3 = $150 and Tier 4 = $50

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